BEST PRACTICES-I(Mentoring System for students)


To Minimize dropouts, improve performance and reduce stress of the students through personal counseling


To achieve emotional stability and promote clarity in thinking and decision making for overall progress.

Evidences of Success
  • Includes better results in examination.
  • students are more relaxed and have healthy relationship with the staff.
Challenges Encountered
  • The desired to help students beyond teaching hours

BEST PRACTICES-II(Improvement in Slow Learners)

Best Practices
  • AMRMCP identifies and encourages slow learners to become active and compete with normal students.
  • Oral activities are encouraged to express the ideas of students.
  • Conducting weekly tests on weekly topics and study hours.
  • Consistent attendance and an enthusiasm in participating in concept related group discussions are absent from students.
  • Response from parents' side is lacking to make the student to attend the class regularly
  • The encouragement from parents is needed for the students to take their regular class tests without fail.
  • Results are improved for the slow learners and they became active in oral communications, seminars and presentations.