Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS), subscription to e-resources, amount spent on Purchase of books, journals and per day usage of library.
Name of the ILMS software: Delplus issued by DELNET
Nature of Automation: Fully Automated
Version: 2.0
Year of automation: 2023
AMRMCP has a Central Library that plays a vital role in providing resources which enhance the knowledge of the faculty and students. Library is housed in an area of 190 Sq.m with a seating capacity of 100 users. The timings are from 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM on all working days with supporting staff of two members.
The institute library functions under the Open Access System having a total collection of 4594 volumes of books with 1126 titles covering all the branches of Pharmacology, pharmacotherapeutics, pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical analysis and general books.
The library has the subscription of several online Journals, national and international Journals. Periodicals, newspapers, project reports of UG and PG students, previous years question papers.
Library is also having separate machine for taking Xerox of any reference books and materials. The digital library has an impressive collection of around 200CDs, e-resources like DELNET, J-GATE, SWAYAM, KNIMBUS and collection of e-books.
In addition to this, the digital library is also equipped with an internet browsing centre with ten systems with unlimited access to various academic resources available on the internet.