Department of Pharmaceutics
A highly functional department in the Faculty of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics revolves around formulating new products, and provides a professional research environment since it focuses on the development of novel formulations. With the latest laboratory technologies and the most current lab instrumentation, the department offers an exciting training environment supervised by experienced teachers.
The Department of Pharmaceutics has state-of-the-art facilities as per the evolving needs of the ever-changing pharmaceutical and health care industry. The department has established advanced labs for its P.G students, which are well equipped with cutting-edge instrumentation. It has well equipped undergraduate and postgraduate laboratories and a sophisticated instrumentation room with advanced instrumentation.

Department of Pharmacology

Department of Pharmacology is one of the foundation departments of the Faculty of Pharmacy, dedicated to the training of undergraduate, postgraduate pharmacy, and doctoral students.
The main objective of the department is to prepare skilled graduates to meet the health care needs of the community and serve the Pharmaceutical sectors by providing well-qualified professionals. Also, to conduct cutting-edge research to thrive in the academic and industrial sector in Pharmacological sciences.
The Department of Pharmacology is fulfilled by its experienced teaching faculty with a dedicated vision of research and outcome-based teaching. The department is well known for its research activities, infrastructure and well-maintained approved animal house. The departmental activities include organizing national and international scientific programs, newsletters, webinars, collaborative research, MOU with Industries, publications in reputed Journals/conferences, etc.
The laboratories are well-designed with all safety measures and provide facilities for the students to carry out all types of basic pharmacological in-vivo and in-vitro screening.
The laboratory enables students to become experts in animal handling and conduct skillful pharmacology research. After successful completion of research activities. Students are exposed to the publication of their research works in journals and other international scientific meets.
Department of Pharmacognosy
Pharmacognosy deals with crude drugs of natural origin and implicated with the development of Pharmacopoeial parameters and herbal formulations.
Being a translational discipline in science, Pharmacognosy has developed and adapted with the recent changes by the incorporation of phytomedicine, phytochemistry, and its analysis. Faculty members with boundless experience in teaching and research are the strength of the department. All the faculty members are Doctorate degree holders and sculpted several postgraduates. a compilation of the departmental research work provides insight on pharmacognostical parameters by several medicinal plants used in various traditional systems of medicine.

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

The department provides outcome-based education and training skills on various aspects of drug design using bioinformatics and computational tools, synthesis by conventional and green chemistry approaches, spectral characterization, and pharmacological evaluation of small molecules.
Students are being trained in maintaining good laboratory and manufacturing practices, documentation of records according to the industrial requirements. Special emphasis is on quality control and quality assurance at every stage of drug manufacturing process for maintaining high ethical standards.
The department has highly experienced staff with a wide range of research expertise in Drug design and synthesis,Analytical and Bioanalytical method development, Pharmacokinetic and metabolic studies. Course delivery and teaching style stimulate students to think, understand and apply the theoretical concepts to find an ideal solution for real-time problems related to healthcare.
Department of Pharmacy Practice
Department of Pharmacy Practice, the most versatile discipline is one among the stalwarts of pharmacy education by facilitating the students to excel in comprehensive medication management, thereby, delivering exemplary patient care alongside fostering leadership skills and lifelong learning.
The major privilege for this department is its location in close vicinity with Hospital i.e., Lalitha Super Speciality Hospital guntur. Department of Pharmacy Practice is composed of faculty with outstanding track records and clinical knowledge as well as in pharmaceutical care and drug safety.

Department of Pharaceutical Analysis

Pharmaceutical Analysis is a branch of practical chemistry that involves a series of process for identification, determination, quantification and purification of a substance, separation of the components of a solution or mixture, or determination of structure of chemical compounds.
The laboratories in the department are equipped with advanced facilities, keeping in view of the needs of Pharmacy profession and health care industry. The department have extensive research activities and is also indulged in various interdisciplinary researches.
The departmental activities are mainly focused on training and handling the modern analytical instruments such as HPLC, HPTLC, Spectrophotometers, Fluorimeter, Flame photometer, etc., by the graduate students and research scholars. The principal remit of the department is the discovery, development and application of analytical methods and techniques relevant to Pharmaceutical sciences.